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Thumbnail NEMS i-Ready Winners

Teachers and their students who have increased their i-Ready usage throughout the week were rewarded for their hard work. Keep it up!

NEMS Tennis Team

Just three short years ago, tennis at Northeast High School in Kansas City was unheard of. In its 100+ year history, the school had never offered tennis as an MSHSAA sponsored sport. Now, thanks to the work of Franklin Fleming, Dr. James Sanders and the Northeast Middle and High School administrations, the school offers varsity tennis for boys and girls, and over 150 students are given access to tennis through Physical Education classes.

Required Documentation

Required documents to enroll in Kindergarten – 12th Grade:
(Kindergarten eligible, if 5 years old by August 31)

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Student's current immunization record
  3. Parent/guardian photo ID (Proof of guardianship, if required)
  4. Previous school records – transcript, behavior, attendance (Signature Schools Only)
  5. One proof of residency (See “Acceptable Proofs of Residency” list below)


  • One (1) current utility bill: electric, water or gas. (Disconnect or shutoff notices will not be accepted. Bills must be within the last 30 days)
  • Valid Property Deed
  • Current Real Estate Tax Receipt
  • Mortgage Statement/Bill
  • Signed Residential Lease Agreement
  • *Residency Affidavit (click to download)Must be notarized
  • Personal Property Tax Receipt (Past year)
  • Homeowner’s/Rental Insurance Policy (Current year)
  • Social Services, Social Security Statement, or Other Legal/Court Documents (TANF, SNAP letter)
  • Pay stub/Pay check (within 30 days)
  • Bank statement (within 30 days)

*Residency Affidavit (click to download) – If you provide a residency affidavit the Head of Household must provide one item from the Proof of Residency #1 list AND the parent/guardian must provide one item from the proof of residency #2 list in their own name.

School buses